Our Right of Way inspection services includes the identification of potential geohazards and ground deficiencies that may pose a risk to pipeline integrity. Our team of experts are trained to identify and assess these hazards to provide you with a comprehensive report that highlights any deficiencies found, along with GPS coordinates and images for reference.
These geohazards and ground deficiencies may include erosion, channel movement, flooding, unstable banks, ground movement, landslides, frost heave, sinkholes, watercourse crossings, missing signage, exposed facilities, and other anomalies. By identifying these potential hazards, we can help you mitigate risks and ensure the safety and integrity of your pipeline.
Our initial ROW inspection not only identifies anomalies, but it also sets a baseline for future inspections to benchmark against. This benchmark is an essential tool for capturing chronological data and determining changes over time, allowing you to track the progress of any necessary repairs or maintenance work. By benchmarking your initial inspection, you can monitor any changes and make necessary adjustments to ensure the safety and integrity of your pipeline over time.
Active Drone Solutions' inspection teams use advanced technology to identify erosion along the RoW, capturing detailed images and GPS coordinates of anomalies using hybrid optical zoom cameras. Our comprehensive RoW report provides detailed information on the erosion identified along the RoW, enabling you to identify potential hazards and take appropriate measures to mitigate them.
By capturing data over time, our teams can identify progressive erosion and channel movements more easily. This information is invaluable in helping you make informed decisions about the safety and viability of your project. With our advanced drone technology, we can perform these inspections quickly and efficiently, reducing downtime and saving you money.
Active Drone Solutions' expert pilots use advanced technology to identify potential waterbody geohazards, such as flooding, along the RoW. Our high-resolution image capture and hybrid zoom cameras allow us to closely monitor the water flow and identify any areas of concern. Through topographic imaging, we can pinpoint low points in the flood path and determine high-risk areas, as well as nearby assets or potential equipment in the risk area.
By predicting where future flood areas might occur and identifying the risk areas in advance, ADS helps you mitigate risk and protect your equipment and assets. Our reports include detailed information on flood risk areas, allowing you to take appropriate action to protect your equipment and ensure safety for your employees. In addition, the repeated data capture during subsequent inspections helps us to track changes in the water flow and better identify potential future hazards.
At ADS, we understand the importance of maintaining the safety of your RoW and ensuring the integrity of your equipment and assets. Contact us today to learn more about our waterbody geohazard inspection services and how we can help you mitigate risk along your RoW.
During RoW inspections, ADS pilots meticulously identify and flag any water hazards or crossings that may pose a threat to the pipeline. These hazards are logged in the RoW report with their GPS locations for future reference. Our inspection teams also keep a lookout for unstable banks, sloughing, slumping, and other ground deficiencies that may cause issues for the pipeline. In such cases, high-resolution images are captured, which are then analyzed and logged in the RoW report.
In situations where the terrain is complex, ADS pilots capture topographic images to provide a better understanding of the embankment. This detailed analysis and data capture of slope deficiencies help identify potential hazards that may jeopardize your operation. By addressing these deficiencies, we help mitigate risks to your assets and employees, ensuring safe and uninterrupted pipeline operations.
We understand that pipeline operations require a keen eye for detail, and our inspection teams are committed to providing comprehensive reports that highlight any potential risks or hazards. The RoW report provides you with a baseline for future inspections to benchmark against, and any changes to the terrain can be quickly identified and addressed, reducing the likelihood of any mishaps. Contact us today to learn more about how our inspection services can benefit your pipeline operations.
ADS pilots utilize state-of-the-art equipment, including high-resolution MP cameras, to visually identify any ground anomalies during RoW inspections. If any movement or landslides are detected, our pilots capture high-resolution images and log them in the RoW report. These images are crucial in detecting any changes in ground movement over time. With the help of our advanced technology, we can efficiently identify even the subtlest changes in ground movement through repeated image capture and analysis.
Our experienced pilots are also trained to recognize any other ground deficiencies, such as erosion, channel movement, unstable banks, and sinkholes, and capture images and GPS locations of these anomalies. By including this information in the RoW report, we provide you with a comprehensive overview of the condition of your RoW, enabling you to take necessary precautions and mitigate risks to your assets and employees.
We understand the importance of regular RoW inspections in ensuring the safety and efficiency of your operations. With our advanced technology and experienced pilots, we provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about the condition of your RoW, helping you to make informed decisions and take necessary actions to maintain your operations.
ADS teams employ various techniques to detect ground heaves and sinkholes along the RoW. By utilizing high-resolution orthomosaic mapping and Ground Control Points, our team can easily identify changes within 6 inches. This method enables us to create a highly accurate digital map of the inspection area, which allows us to easily track changes over time.
In addition, we use LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) area mapping to provide even more precise measurements, identifying changes with approximately 2 cm accuracy. With these tools, our team can identify and monitor ground heaves and sinkholes with confidence, enabling you to take necessary action to mitigate risks to your assets and personnel.
Active Drone Solutions
639 5 Ave SW, Suite 2500, Calgary, T2P 0M9
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